Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples
A short
of this document is available.
Jukka Korpela
To whom? Previous knowledge needed?
About what? What's HTML 3.2?
Why should you learn HTML?
But why HTML 3.2?
The scope of this document
On the versions of this document
Best viewed on...
Copyright notice
How to study HTML 3.2
Getting started with HTML in general
Learning HTML 3.2 systematically
The official HTML 3.2 specification
Additional sources of information
Checking your HTML
General remarks on the syntax of HTML
Character set
HTML tags
HTML elements
Case sensitivity
Division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs
Classification of elements
Allowed nesting of elements
Miscellaneous notes: about escape sequences (character entities), names, colors, widths, pixels, non-breaking spaces, comments
Media types
Fundamental structures in HTML 3.2, with examples
The obligatory structure of a document
The recommended structure of a document
Information about the document - the HEAD section
Organizing the contents - headings, paragraphs, lists, etc
Text markup - emphasis, citations, code, etc
Controlling the layout
Images, formulas, etc.
Tables (Not in HTML 2.0!)
Style sheets
Descriptions of HTML 3.2 tags
Index and legend
A - anchors, hyperlinks, etc
ADDRESS - document author information
APPLET - Java applets (Not in HTML 2.0!)
AREA - area in a clickable map (Not in HTML 2.0!)
B - bolding
BASE - base for URLs
BASEFONT - base font size (Not in HTML 2.0!)
BIG - big font (Not in HTML 2.0!)
BLOCKQUOTE - long quotation
BODY - document body
BR - line break
CAPTION - caption for a table (Not in HTML 2.0!)
CENTER - centering (Not in HTML 2.0!)
CITE - citations
CODE - program code
DD - definition data
DFN - defining occurrence (Not in HTML 2.0!)
DIR - unnumbered list in directory-like form
DIV - document division (Not in HTML 2.0!)
DL - definition list
DT - definition term
EM - emphasis
FONT - font size and color (Not in HTML 2.0!)
FORM - fill-out form
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 - headings
HEAD - document head
HR - change in topic (horizontal rule)
HTML - the top-level element in HTML
I - text in italics
IMG - inline images
INPUT - input fields in forms
ISINDEX - simple keyword searches
KBD - keyboard input
LI - list item
LINK - relationships with other documents
MAP - clickable map (Not in HTML 2.0!)
MENU - unnumbered list in menu-like form
META - meta info
OL - ordered (numbered) list
OPTION - an option in a select menu
P - normal paragraph
PARAM - applet parameters (Not in HTML 2.0!)
PRE - preformatted text
SAMP - sample output
SCRIPT - client-side scripting languages (Not in HTML 2.0!)
SELECT - menu in a form
SMALL - small font (Not in HTML 2.0!)
STRIKE - strike-through text (Not in HTML 2.0!)
STRONG - strong emphasis
STYLE - style sheets (Not in HTML 2.0!)
SUB - subscript (Not in HTML 2.0!)
SUP - superscript (Not in HTML 2.0!)
TABLE - tables (Not in HTML 2.0!)
TD - table data (cell) (Not in HTML 2.0!)
TEXTAREA - multi-line text input in a form
TH - table heading (cell) (Not in HTML 2.0!)
TITLE - "external" title
TR - table row (Not in HTML 2.0!)
TT - teletype (monospaced) text
U - underline (Not in HTML 2.0!)
UL - unnumbered list
VAR - variables
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of last update: 2010-12-16.
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