Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples, section 2 How to study HTML 3.2:

Learning HTML 3.2 systematically

When you know the very basics of HTML in general, a suggested order of studying HTML 3.2 is the following:

  1. Read The obligatory structure of a document and The recommended structure of a document. You may wish to compare this information with The structure of an HTML 3.2 document on the Wilbur - HTML 3.2 pages at
    by the Web Design Group. The basic content should be the same, but you might prefer WDG's style of describing things to mine.
  2. Practise by creating an HTML document with the recommended structure but no contents so far; store this document under a name like template.html and use it as the basis for your HTML documents in the future; create a copy of it, add some plain text into the body and check that the document is readable using a Web browser.
  3. Read Fundamental structures in HTML 3.2, with examples of this document. Concentrate on studying (and possibly enjoying) the ideas and their application, not on memorizing technical details.
  4. Study the general remarks on the syntax of HTML in this document. You will need that information when writing HTML. However, you may at this phase ignore the subsection Miscellaneous notes
  5. Practise by creating useful HTML documents of your own, using the tags you have learned so far.
  6. Browse through the the list of elements in the table of contents of this material, to get a picture of what is available in HTML 3.2, and following the links to get more information about elements that seem potentially useful to you.
  7. Then the world is open to further practising and studying.

Date of last update: 2010-12-16.
This page belongs to the free information site IT and communication, section Web authoring and surfing, by Jukka "Yucca" Korpela.