Thus, on the Web there is no such thing as the layout of a document. As an author you cannot dictate layout, just make some efforts to affect it. The following notes, and all information related to layout-oriented features of HTML, should be read with this in mind.
Several HTML elements have optional attributes which can be used to affect the way in which the element is rendered. Consult the detailed descriptions of individual HTML tags to see the possibilities and to read notes about them.
In particular, you may wish to center parts of the text to make them more distinguishable from normal text. You can use the ALIGN=CENTER attribute in several elements like P or DIV (or the separate CENTER element).
If you wish to separate major portions of your document visually from each other, you can use the HR element. Typically it is rendered as a full width horizontal line. But please use this in addition to structuring tools like headings, not as a substitute for them.
As regards to detailed layout issues such as forcing or preventing line breaks, see section Division into lines and the use of blanks and tabs. Font issues were discussed above.