Latina linguarum regina
General information about Latin on the net:
Lewis and Short Latin dictionary, a large one,
with very detailed information, made available by the
Perseus Project; you
can try the following simple search on the dictionary:
- Allen and Greenough Latin Grammar.
A detailed, well-written grammar, with hypertext references
to glossary entries and descriptions of word usage by
classical authors.
Verbix can conjugate verbs in several
languages, including Latin:
- · Online-Latein-Wörterbuch.
Latin–German dictionary with word form recognition
and references to occurrences in classical texts.
- Online Latein Wörterbuch lets you find a Latin word and see
its declined words (and its meaning in German). Beware that the
site has pop-up ads.
Study Guide to Wheelock's Latin.
- The Classics Page at Ad Fontes Academy - a large number of links to Latin texts and
other Latin resources
Classical languages section in
Virtual Translator;
very useful links, for instance to a query-based
Grammar Aid and Wordlist
- Latin Teaching Materials
Saint Louis University;
a large, although somewhat confusingly organized, repertoire of
resources for studying Latin
- Latin Resources
(links to hypertext courses, classical texts, glossaries etc.)
- Greek and Latin Language Resources (another collection of links)
- A Latin wordlist of about 3500 words with short explanations in English.
- Classical studies (humanities.classics) FAQ.
The pronunciation rules given there deviate from what is
regarded as classical pronunciation by Nordic Latinists.
Nuntii Latini,
news in Latin
broadcast by Radio Finland, available both in text and in
RealAudio format.
More specialized information:
My favorite Latin sayings:
- Non multa, sed multum.
- Age quod ages.
- Bis dat, qui cito dat.
- De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum.
- Homo sum, nihil humanum a me alienum puto.
- Esse est percipi.
- Concordia res parvae crescunt, discordia maximae dilabuntur.
- Pacta sunt servanda.
- In dubio pro reo.
- Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Oh, wait, this is a good one, too, despite not being classical Latin:
Non est propheta sine honore nisi in patria sua
et in domo sua
(Matthew 13:57)
And this is what I sometimes use as my motto:
Docendo disco, scribendo cogito.
You may wish to compare my phrase list with the following: