Estimating the width of NNBSP in a font

Test element:

To estimate the width of narrow no-break space (NNBSP, U+202F) in a font, enter the name of the font family (as known to CSS) below and use the Change button. There is no check for the name actually referring to a font family in your system.

The NNBSP character is shown in large (1024 pixels) in a field that is editable, so you can use this page for checking the width of other characters (or strings) as well.


Some results

Results from tests on a Windows 10 system, in January 2021. The properties of fonts may vary by version.

Width in units, 2048 units per em
Arial410 569 68.9%
Calibri463 463 100.0%
Cambria410 451 89.1%
Candara444 444 100.0%
Code2000800 800 100.0%
Comics Sans MS306 612 50.0%
Constantia257 514 57.0%
Courier New615 1229 50.0%
Garamond256 512 50.0%
Georgia247 494 50.0%
Lucida Sans 324 648 50.0%
Noto Serif410 532 77.1%
Open Sans266 532 50.0%
Tahoma320 640 50.0%
Times New Roman410 512 80.1%
Trebuchet MS309 617 50.1%
Verdana360 720 50.0%