CSS keyword index (properties, selector keywords, etc.), including both standard and non-standard keywords (see legend)
Keyword Status Description Comment
:above-level WD Matches an element with presentation level higher than the browser’s presentation levelWD from 2003, flagged as inactive
accelerator nonstd Specifies whether the element is a keyboard shortcutImplemented in IE with -ms- prefix.
accesskey nonstd Assigns an access key to the elementDefined and implemented in some browsers with -wap- prefix.
:active CSS 2.1 Matches when an element is being activated by user
additive-symbols WD Specifies the symbols used by the marker-construction algorithm specified by the ‘system’ descriptor
::after CSS 2.1 Matches an added unnamed child at the end of the selected element
-ah- nonstd Vendor prefix for Antenna House
align-content CR Aligns a flex container’s linesAlso in more general context in WD CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-align/
align-items CR Aligns flex items of the current flex lineAlso in more general context in WD CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-align/
alignment-adjust WD Specifies the position of the baseline identified by alignment-baselineNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
alignment-baseline WD Specifies how an inline-level element is aligned with respect to its parentNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
align-self CR Aligns flex items of the current flex line overriding the align-items valueAlso in more general context in WD CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-align/
all WD Sets all CSS properties (to initial, inherit, or default value)As media keyword (in @media all), refers to all media types
::alternate WD A pseudo-element created by setting its 'move-to' property to an identifier; rendered at the next occurrence of 'pending()' in a 'content' propertyOutdated WD (2003)
anchor-point CR Specifies a point to which dialog boxes are to be alignedDefined now in HTML5 CR. Intended to be moved to a CSS spec.
<angle> CR Metanotation for data type representing angle values
animation WD Shorthand for animation properties
animation-delay WD Specifies the delay before starting an animation
animation-direction WD Indicates whether the animation should play normally, in reverse, or alternatingly
animation-duration WD Specifies the length of time that an animation takes to complete a cycle
animation-fill-mode WD Specifies how an animation should apply styles to its target before and after it is executing
animation-iteration-count WD Specifies the number of iterations of an animation
animation-name WD Assigns a name to an animation
animation-play-state WD State of the animation (running or paused)
animation-timing-function WD Sets a timing function for the animation
::anonymous-block nonstd Firefox
::anonymous-positioned-block nonstd Firefox
:any() nonstd Matches any of the selectors specified as argumentsTo be standardized under the name :matches()
:any-link WD Matches any link (:link or :visited)
appearance withdr. Sets the overall appearance of the element according to platform and themeAlso supported (as prefixed) on WebKit, http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-appearance
-apple- nonstd Vendor prefix for Apple
app-region nonstd webkit
aspect-ratio nonstd webkit
aspect-ratio @? REC Tests the width/height ratio of the display area for equality to a value
:at-level WD Matches an element with the same presentation level as the browser’s presentation levelWD from 2003, flagged as inactive
-atsc- nonstd Vendor prefix for Advanced Television Standards Committee
attr() CSS 2.1 The value of an attribute of the selected element
auto CSS 2.1 A value to be automatically computed by browser
azimuth withdr. Specifies the azimuth of voice
::backdrop WHAT A box rendered immediately below the element within the same top layer
backface-visibility WD Specifies whether back face of an element is visible when facing the user due to 3D transform
background CSS 2.1 Shorthand for background properties
background-attachment CSS 2.1 Specifies whether background image is fixed or scrolls
background-clip CR Specifies whether background extends underneath border
background-color CSS 2.1 Sets background color
background-composite nonstd Sets a compositing style for background images and colors.webkit
background-image CSS 2.1 Sets background image
background-inline-policy nonstd Like box-decoration-break but does not apply to borders
background-origin CSS 2.1 Sets the origin of background positioning area
background-origin-x nonstd Sets x coordinate of origin of background positioning areawebkit, unprefixed!
background-origin-y nonstd Sets y coordinate of origin of background positioning areawebkit, unprefixed!
background-position CSS 2.1 Sets the initial position of background image
background-position-x propos. Sets the x coordinate of the initial position of background imageIn IE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms530719.aspx
background-position-y propos. Sets the y coordinate of the initial position of background imageIn IE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms530720.aspx
background-repeat CSS 2.1 Specifies whether and how background image is repeated
background-size CR Specifies the sizes of background images
baseline-shift WD Specifies the baseline relative to the dominant-baselineNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
::before CSS 2.1 Matches an added unnamed child at the start of the selected element
behavior nonstd Specifies the dynamic (scripted) behavior of the element
:below-level WD Matches an element with a lowert presentation level than the browser’s presentation levelWD from 2003, flagged as inactive
binding withdr. “Behavioral Extensions to CSS” http://www.w3.org/TR/becss/#the-binding is flagged as abandoned at http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work.en.html
:blank WD Matches a blank page in print media
bleed WD Specifies the extent of the page bleed area outside the page box
blend-mode nonstd webkit
block-progression nonstd the block progression and layout orientation (vertical and horizontal)IE
bookmark-label WD Specifies the text that will represent a bookmark in a bookmark structure (an index)
bookmark-level WD Specifies the level of a bookmark in a hierarchical bookmark structure (an index)
bookmark-state WD Specifies the initial state of a bookmark in a bookmark structure (an index)
bookmark-target WD Specifies the target of a bookmark in a bookmark structure (an index)
border CSS 2.1 Shorthand for border properties
border-after nonstd webkit
border-after-color nonstd webkit
border-after-style nonstd webkit
border-after-width nonstd webkit
border-before nonstd webkit
border-before-color nonstd webkit
border-before-style nonstd webkit
border-before-width nonstd webkit
border-bottom CSS 2.1 Sets the bottom border
border-bottom-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color of the bottom border
border-bottom-colors nonstd Sets a list of colors for the bottom border
border-bottom-left-radius CR Sets the rounding of the bottom-left corner
border-bottom-right-radius CR Sets the rounding of the bottom-right corner
border-bottom-style CSS 2.1 Sets the style of the bottom border
border-bottom-width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the bottom border
border-clip ed. Shorthand for border clip properties
border-clip-bottom ed. Splits the bottom border into visible and invisible parts along the border edge
border-clip-left ed. Splits the left border into visible and invisible parts along the border edge
border-clip-right ed. Splits the right border into visible and invisible parts along the border edge
border-clip-top ed. Splits the top border into visible and invisible parts along the border edge
border-collapse CSS 2.1 Specifies whether adjacent borders collapse in a table
border-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color the border
border-end nonstd webkit, Firefox
border-end-color nonstd webkit, Firefox
border-end-style nonstd webkit, Firefox
border-end-width nonstd webkit, Firefox
border-fit nonstd webkit
border-horizontal-spacing nonstd Defines the spacing between the horizontal portion of an element’s border and the content withinwebkit
border-image CR Shorthand for border image properties
border-image-outset CR Specifies by which amount the border image area extends beyond the border box
border-image-repeat CR Specifies how the middle part of a border image is handled to match the size of the border
border-image-slice CR Divides the image specified by border-image-source in nine slices
border-image-source CR Specifies the image to use instead of the style of the border
border-image-width CR Defines the offset to use for dividing the border image in nine slices
border-left CSS 2.1 Sets the left border
border-left-colors nonstd Sets a list of colors for the left border
border-left-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color of the left border
border-left-style CSS 2.1 Sets the style of the left border
border-left-width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the left border
border-radius CR Sets the rounding of the borders
border-right CSS 2.1 Sets the right border
border-right-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color of the right border
border-right-colors nonstd Sets a list of colors for the right border
border-right-style CSS 2.1 Sets the style of the right border
border-right-width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the right border
border-spacing CSS 2.1 Sets the spacing between borders in a table
border-start nonstd Firefox
border-start-color nonstd Firefox
border-start-style nonstd Firefox
border-start-width nonstd Firefox
border-style CSS 2.1 Sets the style of borders
border-top CSS 2.1 Sets the top border
border-top-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color of the top border
border-top-colors nonstd Sets a list of colors for the top border
border-top-left-radius CR Sets the rounding of the top-left corner
border-top-right-radius CR Sets the rounding of the top-right corner
border-top-style CSS 2.1 Sets the style of the top border
border-top-width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the top border
border-vertical-spacing nonstd Defines the spacing between the vertical portion of an element’s border and the content withinwebkit
border-width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the border
bottom CSS 2.1 Sets bottom displacement for a positioned element
:bound-element withdr. Matches the bound element of the binding in which this pseudo-class is usedFirefox
box-align withdr. Specifies how an element aligns its contents across (perpendicular to) the direction of its layout.
box-decoration-break CR Specifies whether the fragments of a box, when broken, are treated as parts of one box or as individually wrapped, with border and padding
box-direction nonstd Specifies the direction in which child elements of a flexible box element are laid outwebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/box-direction?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=CSS%2F-moz-box-direction
box-flex nonstd Specifies the flexibility of the elementwebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/-moz-box-flex
box-flex-group nonstd Specifies the group number of the element, for a group of dynamically resizing elements that are adjusted to be the same sizewebkit
box-lines nonstd Specifies whether a flexible box should contain multiple lines of contenwebkit
box-ordinal-group nonstd Specifies a rough ordering of elements in a flexible bowebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/-moz-box-ordinal-group
box-orient nonstd Specifies the layout of elements nested within a flexible box elementwebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/box-orient?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=CSS%2F-moz-box-orient
box-pack nonstd Specifies alignment of child elements within the current element in the direction of orientationwebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/-moz-box-pack
box-reflect nonstd Reflects the content of the element in one direction (above, below, right, left)WebKit
box-shadow CR Specifies one or more shadow effects for a box
box-sizing WD Specifies the box model used to calculate widths and heights
box-snap ed. Specifies which edges, if any, are snapped to the line grid
break-after CR Affects page or column breaks after the element
break-before CR Affects page or column breaks before the element
break-inside CR Affects page or column breaks inside the element
:broken nonstd Matches an element representing a broken image link
::browse nonstd Matches the browse button in a file input controlIE
calc() CR Functional notation that yields a calculated value of an expression
::canvas nonstd Firefox
canvas() nonstd Denotes the rendered content of a canvas as an image (for use as background image)
caption-side CSS 2.1 Positions the caption of a table on the specified side
::cell-content nonstd Firefox
ch CR Unit corresponding to the advance measure of digit zero “0”
chains WD Chains slots in template layout so that content flows from one slot to another
@charset CSS 2.1 Specifies the character encoding of the style sheet
::check nonstd Matches the check of a checkbox or radio button input controlIE
:checked REC Matches a form field in checked (selected) state
::choices WD Stands for the choices (excluding labels) in a list of options
clear CSS 2.1 Specifies how floating is cleared
::clear nonstd Matches the clear button in a text input control, appearing when the control has focus and is not emptyIE
clip CSS 2.1 Specifies which part of an absolutely positioned element is visibleAlso defined, as deprecated, in WD http://www.w3.org/TR/css-masking/#ClipProperty
clip-path WD Sets the clipping regionAlso defined in SVG 1.1. See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/clip-path
clip-rule WD Sets a ‘nonzeo’ or ‘evenodd’ clipping rule on a clipping path
cm CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to a centimeterActual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
color CSS 2.1 Sets the content (text) color
color @? REC Tests the number of bits per color being equal to a value
<color> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing color values
color-correction ed. Specifies the color space of CSS colors and colors in untagged images
color-index @? REC Tests the number of entries in the color lookup table for being equal to a value
color-profile withdr. Specifies the color profileDropped from CSS3 Colors in the REC, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#dropped
@color-profile withdr. Specifies a set of color profile descriptionsDropped from CSS3 Colors in the REC, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#dropped
::column() WD Matches the part of an element that ends up on a certain column of the element
column-axis nonstd Chrome
column-break-after nonstd Determines whether a column break can and should occur after an element in a multicolumn flow layoutwebkit
column-break-before nonstd Determines whether a column break can and should occur before an element in a multicolumn flow layoutwebkit
column-break-inside nonstd Determines whether a column break should be avoided within the bounds of an element in a multicolumn flow layout.webkit
column-count CR Sets the number of columns
column-fill CR Specifies whether columns are balanced or just take up the room the content needs
column-gap CR Sets the width of the gap between columns
column-progression nonstd
column-rule CR Shorthand notation for column rule properties
column-rule-color CR Sets the color of the rules between columns
column-rule-style CR Sets the style of the rules between columns
column-rule-width CR Sets the width of the rules between columns
columns CR Shorthand notation for column width and count
column-span CR Specifies whether an element spans all columns
column-width CR Suggests a width for columnsAdditions at http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-sizing/#column-sizing
:contains() withdr. Selects elements based on their text contentWas proposed, now withdrawn.
content CSS 2.1 Sets the content of a pseudo-element or element
content-zoom-chaining nonstd Specifies the zoom behavior that occurs when a user hits the zoom limit during a manipulationIE
content-zooming nonstd Specifies whether zooming is enabledIE
content-zoom-limit nonstd A shortcut for content-zoom-limit-min and ms-content-zoom-limit-maxIE
content-zoom-limit-max nonstd Specifies the maximum zoom factorIE
content-zoom-limit-min nonstd Specifies the minimum zoom factorIE
content-zoom-snap nonstd A shortcut for content-zoom-snap-type and content-zoom-snap-points IE
content-zoom-snap-points nonstd Defines where zoom snap-points are locatedIE
content-zoom-snap-type nonstd Specifies how zooming is affected by defined snap-pointsIE
@counter WD Specifies a block of counter definitions (?)Outdated WD (2003), “syntax still to come”
counter() CSS 2.1 Yields the value of a counter
counter-increment CSS 2.1 Increments a counter
counter-reset CSS 2.1 Sets a counter to a specific value
counters() CSS 2.1 Yields a value composed of counter values
@counter-style WD Defines a custom counter style
crop WD Sets a replaced element to a rectangular area of the object, rather than the entire objectOutdated WD (2003)
cross-fade() nonstd
cubic-bezier() WD Functional notation that defines a cubic Bézier curve
cue CR Shorthand for cue-before and cue-afterhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-cue
cue-after CR Specifies sound to be presented after the elementhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-cue-after
cue-before CR Specifies sound to be presented before the elementhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-cue-before
:current WD Matches the innermost element, or ancestor of an element, that is currently being rendered (e.g., spoken)
cursor CSS 2.1 Sets the shape of the mouse pointer
cycle() withdr. An expression that cycles over a list of values for nested elementsHas been renamed to toggle()
dashboard-region nonstd Specifies the behavior of regions in a Dashboard widgetwebkit
default WD Rolls back the cascade
:default WD Matches user interface element that is the default among a group of similar elements
deg CR Unit of angle, corresponding to a degree (1/360 of a circle)
device-aspect-ratio @? REC Tests the width/height ratio of the device for equality to a value
device-cmyk() WD Defines a color as a device-dependent CMYK color
device-pixel-ratio @? nonstd Test the number of CSS reference pixels per physical device pixelOpera, WebKit (with prefix), Firefox (with prefix): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Media_queries#-moz-device-pixel-ratio
device-width @? REC Tests width of device’s rendering surface for equality to a value
:dir() WD Matches elements with the specified directionality
direction CSS 2.1 Sets the base directionality (left to right or right to left)
:disabled REC Matches elements in disabled state
display CSS 2.1 Sets the type of rendering box, e.g. inline or block
display-box ed. Specifies whether and how the element creates boxes
display-extras ed. Specifies whether the element is a list item that generates a ::marker pseudo-element
display-inside ed. Sets the layout mode of the content of the element
display-outside ed. Sets the way the element behaves in layout context
@document WD Restricts the effect of rules by the URL of the documentAccording to Editor’s draft, to be postponed to Level 4.
dominant-baseline WD Specifies a scaled-baseline-tableNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
dpcm REC Unit denoting dots per centimeterhttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#dpcm
dpi REC Unit denoting dots per inchhttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#dpi
dppx CR Unit denoting dots per pixel (px unit)
:drag-over nonstd Matches an element when a drag-over event is called on it
drop-initial-after-adjust WD Sets the alignment point of the drop initial for the primary connection pointNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
drop-initial-after-align WD Determines which alignment line within the nth line box (n being defined by the 'drop-initial-value' property) is used at the primary connection point with the initial letter boxNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
drop-initial-before-adjust WD Sets the alignment point of the drop initial for the secondary connection pointNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
drop-initial-before-align WD Determines which alignment line within the initial line box is used at the secondary connection point with the initial letter boxNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
drop-initial-size WD Controls the partial sinking of the initial letterNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
drop-initial-value WD Activates a drop-initial effectNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
element() WD Yields the value of a running element, i.e. an element with position: running()Also: Defines an image value generated from an element; withdrawn; see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/element
elevation withdr. Specifies the elevation of voice
em CSS 2.1 Unit corresponding to the size (height) of the font
:empty REC Matches an element with empty content
empty-cells CSS 2.1 Specifies whether background and borders apply to empty cells
:enabled REC Matches elements in enabled state
-epub- nonstd Vendor prefix for EPUB Working Group
ex CSS 2.1 Unit corresponding to the x-height of the font
::expand nonstd Matches the drop-down button of a select controlIE
expression() nonstd Yields the computed value of its argumentIE; from IE 8, works in Quirks Mode only
fallback WD Specifies a fallback counter style to be used when the current counter style can’t create a representation for a given counter value
fill nonstd Chrome, without prefix
::fill nonstd Matches a progress control created by an HTML5 progress elementIE
::fill-lower nonstd Matches the part of a slider control (input type=range) from the smallest value to the currently selected valueIE
fill-opacity nonstd Chrome, without prefix
fill-rule nonstd Chrome, without prefix
::fill-upper nonstd Matches the part of a slider control (input type=range) from the currently selected value to the largest valueIE
filter WD Applies filtering effects on an SVG elementThis is quite different from the nonstandard filter property in IE 4 thru IE 9, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms530752.aspx
:first CSS 2.1 Matches the first page in print media (@page environment)
:first-child CSS 2.1 Matches an element that is the first child in an element
::first-letter CSS 2.1 Matches the first letter in an element
::first-line CSS 2.1 Matches the first rendered line in an element
:first-node nonstd Matches an element that is the first node of its parent
:first-of-type REC Matches an element that is the first child of its type
::first-page WD Matches the starting page in print media
fit WD Gives a hint for how to scale a replaced element if neither its 'width' nor its 'height' property is 'auto'In a WD (2006) flagged as inactive
fit-position WD Determines the alignment of the object inside the boxIn a WD (2006) flagged as inactive
flavor withdr. An accent color (typically chosen by the user) to customize the user interface of the user agent itselfDropped from CSS3 Colors in the REC, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#dropped
flex CR Specifies ability of a flex item to alter their dimensions to fill the available spaceAlso IE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/jj127297.aspx
flex CR Value of the display property, causes the element to generate a block-level flex container box
flex-align withdr. the alignment (perpendicular to the layout axis defined by the flex-direction property) of child elements of the objectIE; was in a WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-flexbox-20120322/#flex-align
flex-basis CR Specifies the flex basis which is the initial main size of a flex item
flex-direction CR Specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main-axis and the directionAlso IE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/jj127299.aspx
flex-flow CR Shorthand property for flex-direction and flex-wrap
flex-grow CR Specifies the flex grow factor of a flex item.
flex-order withdr. Specifies the ordinal group that a flexbox element belongs toIE; was in WD: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=223142
flex-pack withdr. Specifies how excess space is distributed (along the axis defined by the flex-direction property) between child elements of the objectIE; was in WD: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/jj127304.aspx
flex-shrink CR Specifies the flex shrink factor of a flex item
flex-wrap CR Specifies whether the children of a flex item are forced into a single line or wrappableAlso IE: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/jj127305.aspx
float CSS 2.1 Makes the element floating, i.e. taken from the normal flow and placed along the left or right side of its container
float-edge nonstd
float-offset WD Pushes a float in opposite direction of the where it has been floated with float
flood-color nonstd Chrome, without prefix
flood-opacity nonstd Chrome, without prefix
flow-from WD Makes a block container a region and associates it with a named flowSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771897.aspx
flow-into WD Places the element into a named flowSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771899.aspx
:focus CSS 2.1 Matches a focused element
:focus-inner nonstd Firefox
focus-opacity nonstd Opera
:focus-outer nonstd Firefox
:focusring nonstd Matches an element that is currently focused and should have a focus ring drawn around it
font CSS 2.1 A shorthand property for font properties, or sets the font to a system font
font-color nonstd Specifies the color of text, like the color property [presumably]Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
font-emphasize nonstd Shorthand for font-emphasize propertiesGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
font-emphasize-position nonstd Specifies the position of the symbol used for emphasis in East Asian textsGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
font-emphasize-style nonstd Specifies the symbol to be used for emphasis in East Asian textsGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
@font-face WD Defines a font by identifying font file(s)
font-family CSS 2.1 Specifies a preference list of font families
font-feature-settings WD Sets OpenType properties
@font-feature-values WD Defines names for OpenType font feature values
font-kerning WD Enables or disables kerning
font-language-override WD Specifies the language of the content, by its OpenType tag, for typographic use
font-size CSS 2.1 Sets the size of the font
font-size-adjust WD Adjusts the font size according to the x-height value
font-size-delta nonstd WebKit; possibly never released: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50641
font-smooth withdr. Controls the application of anti-aliasing
font-smoothing nonstd Controls the application of anti-aliasing Implemented in WebKit browsers in Mac
font-stretch WD Selects a normal, condensed, or extended typeface
font-style CSS 2.1 Selects normal, italic, or oblique font style
font-synthesis CSS 2.1 Controls whether user agents are allowed to synthesize bold or oblique font faces when a font family lacks bold or italic faces
font-variant CSS 2.1 Shorthand for font rendering
font-variant-alternates WD Specifies how alternate glyph variants are to be usedhttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/#font-variant-ligatures-prop
font-variant-caps WD Selects a font variant such as small-caps or petite-caps
font-variant-east-asian WD Specifies typographic features to be used for East Asian text
font-variant-ligatures WD Specifies conditions for using ligatures
font-variant-numeric WD Specifies glyph variants for digits
font-variant-position WD Specifies whether subscript or superscript glyph variants are to be used
font-weight CSS 2.1 Sets the weight (e.g., bold) of the font
footnote WD Value of the float property, indicating that the element is moved to the footnote area and a footnote-call pseudo-element is put in its original place; also a reserved counter namehttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-gcpm/#counting-footnotes
::footnote-call WD Inserted in place of an element with float: footnote
::footnote-marker WD Added to an element with float: footnote, replacing the ::before pseudo-element
force-broken-image-icon nonstd Specifies whether a missing image is indicated with an icon of broken image even when an alt attribute is present
fr WD Unit for fraction of available space in grid layout
<frequency> WD Metanotation for data type representing frequency values
:fullscreen WHAT Matches an element being displayed in full-screen mode
:full-screen nonstd Matches an element being displayed in full-screen mode
:full-screen-ancestor nonstd Matches an ancestor of an element displayed in full-screen mode
:future WD Matches an element that is defined to be rendered entirely after the :current element
gd ed. A relative unit used in gridsAlso in abandoned WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-grid/#grid-units
glyph-orientation-horizontal nonstd Chrome, without prefix
glyph-orientation-vertical nonstd Chrome, without prefix
grad CR Unit of angle, corresponding to a gon, i.e. a grade (1/400 of a circle)
<gradient> CR Metanotation for data type representing images defined as gradients
grid @? REC Tests whether the output device is grid or bitmap
grid-area WD A shorthand for the ‘grid-column-position’, ‘grid-row-position’, ‘grid-column-span’, and ‘grid-row-span’ properties.
grid-auto-columns WD Sets the default size of grid columns
grid-auto-flow WD Controls the direction in which the search for unoccupied space in grid layout takes place, and whether rows or columns are added
grid-auto-rows WD Sets the default size of grid rows
grid-column WD Shorthand for the ‘grid-column-position’ and ‘grid-column-span’ propertiesSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772242.aspx
grid-column-align withdr. Specifies the horizontal alignment of the object within the grid columnWas in WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-grid-layout-20120322/
grid-column-position WD Specifies the column of the placement of the element in a grid
grid-columns withdr. Specifies the number and widths of grid columnsAbandonded WD. The name has been changed to grid-definition-columns in the newer draft “CSS Grid Layout”, but IE 10 implementation is based on the older name: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772246.aspx
grid-column-span WD Specifies how many columns the element spans in a gridSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772248.aspx
grid-definition-columns WD Specifies the number and widths of grid columnsCf. to grid-columns
grid-definition-rows WD Specifies the number and heights of grid rowsCf. to grid-rows
grid-position WD Shorthand for ‘grid-column-position’ and ‘grid-row-position’
grid-row WD Shorthand for ‘grid-row-position’ and ‘grid-row-span’See also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772254.aspx
grid-row-align withdr. Specifies the vertical alignment of the object within the grid rowWas in WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-grid-layout-20120322/
grid-row-position WD Specifies the row of the placement of the element in a grid
grid-rows withdr. Specifies the number and heights of grid rowsAbandonen WD. The name has been changed to grid-definition-rows in the newer draft “CSS Grid Layout”, but IE 10 implementation is based on the older name: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772258.aspx
grid-row-span WD Specifies how many rows the element spans in a gridSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772260.aspx
grid-span WD Shorthand for ‘grid-column-span’ and ‘grid-row-span’
grid-template WD Defines names for grid areas, to be specified using the grid-area property
:handler-blocked nonstd Matches an element that cannot be displayed because its handler has been blocked
:handler-crashed nonstd Matches an element that cannot be displayed because the plugin responsible for drawing it has crashed
:handler-disabled nonstd Matches an element that cannot be displayed because its handler has been disabled by the user
hanging-punctuation WD Specifies whether a punctuation mark may be placed outside the line boxhttp://dev.w3.org/csswg/css4-text/#hanging-punctuation0
height CSS 2.1 Sets the height of the content area of an element
height @? REC Tests height of display area for equality to a value
high-contrast @? nonstd Tests whether the application is being displayed in high contrast mode, and with what color variationIE
high-contrast-adjust nonstd Specifies whether to override any CSS properties that would have been set in high contrast modeIE
highlight nonstd Webkit; characterized as “unsupported”
horiz-align nonstd Aligns text horizontally [presumably]Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
:hover CSS 2.1 Matches an element when the mouse pointer is over it
-hp- nonstd Vendor prefix for Hewlett Packard
hsl() REC Defines a color using the hue-saturation-lightness model
hsla() REC Defines a color using the hue-saturation-lightness-alpha model
hyphenate-character ed. Specifies the string that is shown between parts of a word that has been divided into two lines by the browser
hyphenate-limit-after nonstd Chrome
hyphenate-limit-before nonstd Chrome
hyphenate-limit-chars ed. Specifies the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated wordSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771865.aspx
hyphenate-limit-last ed. Indicates hyphenation behavior at the end of an element, column, page, or spread
hyphenate-limit-lines ed. Specifies the maximum number of successive hyphenated lines in an elementSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771867.aspx
hyphenate-limit-zone ed. Specifies the maximum amount of unfilled space (before justification) that may be left in the line box before hyphenation is triggered to pull part of a word from the next line back up into the This Specifies the maximum amount of unfilled space that may be left in the line box before hyphenation is triggered to pull part of a word from the next line back up into the current lineSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771869.aspx
hyphenate-resource withdr. Specifies external resources that can help the browser determine hyphenation points
hyphens WD Specifies whether hyphenation is to be applied
Hz CR Unit of frequency, corresponding to hertz (occurrences per second)
icon WD Specifies an iconic equivalent for the element, for use with content: iconhttp://www.css666.com/properties/icon.html
image() CR Denotes an image, to use a media fragment, to specify fallback images, to use solid color as image, or to annotate an image with directionalityAt risk
<image> CR Metanotation for data type representing a 2D image Firefox
image-orientation CR Specifies how to correct the default orientation of an image
image-rect() nonstd Defines an image as a part of a larger imageFirefox; proposed for WebKit
image-region() nonstd Defines an image as a part of a larger image, for use in certain contexts
image-rendering WD Specifies how image scaling should be performed
image-resolution CR Specifies the intrinsic resolution of raster images
image-orientation CR Specifies an orthogonal rotation to be applied to the image before it is laid out
images-in-menus @? nonstd Tests whether the device allows images to appear in menus
ime-mode WD Controls the state of the input method editor for text fields
@import CSS 2.1 Inserts the content of a style sheet into the current style sheet
!important CSS 2.1 A specifier that gives the declaration higher preference in the cascade
in CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to an inch (25.4 mm)Actual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
include-source obsol. Replaces the content by the content of the document specified by the valueNetscape
:indeterminate WD Matches checkboxes and progress elements in indeterminate state
inherit CSS 2.1 Denotes the computed value of the property for the parent element
initial CR Denotes the initial value of the property as defined in CSS specifications
inline-box-align WD Specifies which line of a multi-line inline block aligns with the previous and next inline elements within a lineNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
inline-flex CR Value of the display property, causes the element to generate an inline-level flex container box
inline-table CSS 2.1 Value of the display property, makes the element behave internally as a table, externally as an inline element
::inline-table nonstd
input-format nonstd Specifies a pattern that input values must matchDefined and implemented in some browsers with -wap- prefix.
:input-placeholder nonstd Matches the placeholder text being displayed in a form fieldIE
::input-placeholder nonstd Matches the placeholder text being displayed in a form fieldWebKit
input-required nonstd Specifies that input data of nonzero length is requiredDefined and implemented in some browsers with -wap- prefix.
:in-range WD Matches fields that satisfy range constraints imposed on them
<integer> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing an integer in decimal notation
interpolation-mode nonstd Sets the interpolation (resampling) method used to stretch imagesMicrosoft-specific ; obsolete according to Microsoft
interpret-as nonstd -xv-
:invalid WD Matches a form field or form that violates validity constraints
justify-items WD Sets the default ‘justify-self’ of the grid container's items
justify-content CR Aligns flex items in the main-axis of the current lineAlso in more general context in WD CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-align/
justify-self WD Justifies the box within its parent along the inline/row axis
kerning nonstd Recognized by Chrome, without prefix; effect unknown
:keyboard-active nonstd Matches an element when it has focus and the user presses the space barIE; only available to content displayed inside a Windows Store app.
@keyframes WD Specifies the key frames in an animation
-khtml- nonstd Vendor prefix for Konqueror
kHz CR Unit of frequency, corresponding to kilohertz (1,000 Hz)
:lang() CSS 2.1 Matches the elements with declared content language corresponding to the selector
languages nonstd Sets the content language of the element [presumably]Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
:last-child REC Matches an element that is the last child in some element
:last-of-type REC Matches an element that is the last child of its type
:last-node nonstd Matches an element that is the last child node of an element
layout-flow nonstd Sets the direction and flow of the content in the object (horizontal or vertical-ideographic)Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
layout-grid nonstd A shortcut for grid properties that specify the layout of text charactersIE
layout-grid-char nonstd Sets the size of the character grid used for rendering the text content of an elementGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
layout-grid-char-spacing obsol. Controls the character spacing granularity when the 'layout-grid-mode' is set to 'char' or 'both', and the 'layout-grid-type' property is set to 'loose'IE
layout-grid-line nonstd Sets the gridline value used for rendering the text content of an elementGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
layout-grid-mode nonstd Specifies whether the text layout grid uses two dimensionsGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
layout-grid-type nonstd Sets the type of grid used for rendering the text content of an elementGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
leader() WD Creates a visual pattern that guides the eye, such as leader dots
left CSS 2.1 Sets left displacement for a positioned element
:left CSS 2.1 Matches a left-side page in print media (@page environment)
<length> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing a length (distance)
letter-spacing CSS 2.1 Specifies additional spacing to be applied between text characters
lighting-color nonstd Chrome, without prefix
line-align nonstd Chrome
linear-gradient CR Creates an image that represents a linear gradient of colors
line-box-contain nonstd Chrome
line-break WD Specifies the strictness of line-breaking rules applied within the element, particularly how line-breaking interacts with punctuationSee also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms530782.aspx
line-clamp nonstd Webkit; characterized as “unsupported”
line-grid ed. Specifies which (if any) line grid the line boxes of the element will align toChrome
line-height CSS 2.1 Sets a height used in line box height calculations
::line-marker WD Matches a pseudo-element acting as a marker for each line of a list itemOutdated WD (2003)
line-slack ed. Specifies the slack in snapping lines to a grid
line-snap ed. Causes each line box to shift downward until it snaps to the line gridChrome
line-stacking WD Shorthand for line stacking propertiesNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
line-stacking-ruby WD Determines the line stacking method for block elements containing ruby annotation elementsNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
line-stacking-shift WD Setermines the line stacking method for block elements containing elements with base-shiftNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
line-stacking-strategy WD Determines the line stacking strategy for stacked line boxes within a containing block elementNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
link nonstd Sets the value of a variable that can be used to create a link with link-sourceOpera
:link CSS 2.1 Matches a link that has not been recently visited
link-source nonstd Turns the element to a link (“source anchor”)Opera
::list-bullet nonstd Matches the bullet of a list elemetWith -moz- prefix
list-image-1 nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
list-image-2 nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
list-image-3 nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
::list-number nonstd Matches the number of a list elemetWith -moz- prefix
list-style-image CSS 2.1 Sets the image to be used as list item marker
list-style-position CSS 2.1 Sets the position of the list marker box
list-style-type CSS 2.1 Sets the list item marker
:loading nonstd Matches an element (such as an image) that is not displayed because external content has not started loading (but not elements in the process of loading)
locale nonstd Chrome
:locale-dir() nonstd Matches an element if the user interface is being displayed in the direction specified by the argument (ltr or rtl)For extensions and themes; does not work from HTML
:local-link WD Matches link with href value that coincides with the current page URL entirely or up to n path components, when an argument n is used
logical-height nonstd
logical-width nonstd
:lwtheme nonstd Matches in chrome documents when the root element's lightweightthemes attribute is true and a theme is selected
:lwtheme-darktext nonstd Matches in chrome documents when :-moz-lwtheme is true and a lightweight theme with a dark text color is selected
mac-graphite-theme @? nonstd Tests whether the user has configured their device to use the ""Graphite"" appearance on Mac OS X
maemo-classic nonstd Tests whether the user is using Maemo with the original theme
margin CSS 2.1 Shorthand for setting margin properties
margin-after nonstd
margin-after-collapse nonstd Chrome
margin-before nonstd
margin-before-collapse nonstd Chrome
margin-bottom CSS 2.1 Sets the bottom margin
margin-bottom-collapse nonstd Specifies the behavior of an element’s bottom margin if it is adjacent to an element with a marginwebkit
margin-collapse nonstd Specifies the behavior of an element’s vertical margins if it is adjacent to an element with a marginwebkit
margin-end nonstd Sets the horizontal margin after the content, depending on directionality
margin-left CSS 2.1 Sets the left margin
margin-right CSS 2.1 Sets the right margin
margin-start nonstd Sets the horizontal margin before the content, depending on directionality
margin-top CSS 2.1 Sets the top margin
margin-top-collapse nonstd Specifies the behavior of an element’s top margin if it is adjacent to an element with a marginwebkit
marker WD As a display value, makes the element a list marker
::marker WD Matches a pseudo-element acting as a marker for a list itemAlso in outdated WD (2003) http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-content/#block
marker-end nonstd Chrome, without prefix
marker-mid nonstd Chrome, without prefix
marker-start nonstd Chrome, without prefix
marks WD Adds crop marks (to indicate where the page should be cut) or cross marks (used to align sheets of paper)
marquee nonstd Shortcut for marquee propertiesWebKit
marquee nonstd Value of the display property, indicating a box affected by marquee propertiesDefined and implemented in some browsers with -wap- prefix.
marquee-dir nonstd Sets the scrolling or sliding direction for marquee textWAP, with -wap- prefix.
marquee-direction WD Sets the scrolling or sliding direction for marquee textAlso described in an outdated W3C draft http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#marquee and (with -wap- prefix) in WAP CSS specification.
marquee-increment nonstd Specifies the distance between each step of the scrolling marquee in pixelsWebKit
marquee-loop WD Sets the number of loops for marquee textDescribed in an outdated W3C draft and (with -wap- prefix) in WAP CSS specification.
marquee-play-count CR Specifies how many times the content moves in marquee
marquee-repetition nonstd Sets the number of loops for marquee text; same as marquee-loopWebKit
marquee-speed WD Sets the speed of scrolling or sliding for marquee textAlso described in an outdated W3C draft http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#marquee and (with -wap- prefix) in WAP CSS specification.
marquee-style CR Sets the scrolling style of marquee textAlso described in an outdated W3C draft http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#marqueeand (with -wap- prefix) in WAP CSS specification.
mask WD Shorthand for mask propertiesAlso defined in SVG 1.1. See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/mask and http://css3clickchart.com/#masks and https://www.webkit.org/blog/181/css-masks/
mask-attachment nonstd Defines the scrolling or fixed nature of the image mask
mask-box-image WD Shorthand for mask box properties
mask-box-image-outset WD Specifies the amount by which the mask box image area extends beyond the border box
mask-box-image-repeat WD Specifies how the images for the sides and the middle part of the mask image are scaled and tiled
mask-box-image-slice WD Specifies inward offsets from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the mask image, dividing it into 9 regions
mask-box-image-source WD Specifies an image to be used as mask
mask-box-image-width WD Specifies offsets that are used to divide the mask box image area into 9 parts
mask-clip WD Specifies the mask painting area, which determines the area that is affected by the mask
mask-composite nonstd Sets a compositing style for a maskwebkit
mask-image WD Sets the mask image(s) of the element
mask-origin WD Specifies the mask positioning area(s)
mask-position WD Specifies the initial position of mask images within their corresponding mask painting area
mask-position-x nonstd Specifies the x coordinate of the initial position of mask imageswebkit
mask-position-y nonstd Specifies the y coordinate of the initial position of mask imageswebkit
mask-repeat WD Specifies how mask images are tiled after they have been sized and positioned.
mask-repeat-x nonstd
mask-repeat-y nonstd
mask-size WD Specifies the size of the mask images
mask-type WD Specifies whether the content of the ‘mask’ is treated as as luminance mask or alpha mask
:matches() WD Matches an element that matches at least one of the operand selectors
match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color nonstd Webkit; characterized as “unsupported”
:math-anonymous nonstd Firefox
:math-columnline nonstd Firefox
:math-firstcolumn nonstd Firefox
:math-firstrow nonstd Firefox
:math-font-size nonstd Firefox
:math-font-style nonstd Firefox
:math-lastcolumn nonstd Firefox
:math-rowline nonstd Firefox
:math-lastrow nonstd Firefox
:math-stretchy nonstd Firefox
max-color-index @? REC Tests the number of entries in the color lookup table for being less than or equal to a value
max-color @? REC Tests the number of bits per color being less than or equal to a value
max-device-aspect-ratio @? REC Tests the width/height ratio of the device for being less than or equal to a value
max-device-height @? REC Tests height of device’s rendering surface for being less than or equal to a value
max-device-pixel-ratio @? nonstd Test the number of CSS reference pixels per physical device pixel for being at most the given valueCf. to device-pixel-ratio
max-device-width @? REC Tests width of device’s rendering surface for being less than or equal to a value
max-height CSS 2.1 Sets a maximum height for the element
max-height @? REC Tests height of display area for being less than or equal to a value
max-monochrome @? REC Tests the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer for being less than or equal to a value
max-resolution @? REC Tests the pixel density for being less than or equal to a value
max-width CSS 2.1 Sets a maximum width for the element
max-width @? REC Tests width of display area for being less than or equal to a value
max-zoom WD Sets the largest allowed zoom factor
@media CSS 2.1 Specifies rules that depend on mediaExtended in CSS3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-conditional/#at-media and http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/
min-aspect-ratio @? REC Tests the width/height ratio of the display area for being greater than or equal to a value
min-color @? REC Tests the number of bits per color being greater than or equal to a value
min-color-index @? REC Tests the number of entries in the color lookup table for being greater than or equal to a value
min-device-aspect-ratio @? REC Tests the width/height ratio of the device for being greater than or equal to a value
min-device-height @? REC Tests height of device’s rendering surface for being greater than or equal to a value
min-device-pixel-ratio @? nonstd Test the number of CSS reference pixels per physical device pixel for being at least the given valueCf. to device-pixel-ratio
min-device-width @? REC Tests width of device’s rendering surface for being greater than or equal to a value
min-height CSS 2.1 Sets a minimum height for the element
min-height @? REC Tests height of display area for being greater than or equal to a value
mini-fold nonstd Opera
min-logical-height nonstd
min-logical-width nonstd
minmax() WD Denotes the larger of its argument, when setting column width in display property value using template layout.
min-monochrome @? REC Tests the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer for being greater than or equal to a value
min-resolution @? REC Tests the pixel density for being greater than or equal to a value
min-width CSS 2.1 Sets a minimum width for the element
min-width @? REC Tests width of display area for being greater than or equal to a value
min-zoom WD Specifies the smallest allowed zoom factor
mm CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to a millimeterActual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
monochrome @? REC Tests the number of bits per pixel in a monochrome frame buffer for being equal to a value
move-to WD Causes the element or pseudo-element to be removed from the flow and reinserted at a later point in the documentOutdated WD (2003)
-moz- nonstd Vendor prefix for Firefox and other browsers using Mozilla’s browser engine
-ms- nonstd Vendor prefix for Internet Explorer
ms CR Unit of time, millisecond (0.001 seconds)
mso-* nonstd A large set of properties, with Microsoft-defined meaningsGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
@namespace REC Declares a namespace prefix and associates it with a given namespace name
nav-banner-image nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
nav-bottom nonstd
navbutton-* nonstd Several properties related to navigation buttonsGenerated by FrontPage
nav-down nonstd
nav-down-shift WD Specifies a page shift effect when moving down
@navigation WD Specifies which documents the user can navigate to by moving up, right, down, or left from the current document
nav-index WD Specifies the position of the current element in the sequential navigation order (tabbing order)
nav-left nonstd
nav-left-shift WD Specifies a page shift effect when moving left
nav-right nonstd
nav-right-shift WD Specifies a page shift effect when moving right
nav-up nonstd
nav-up-shift WD Specifies a page shift effect when moving up
nbsp-mode nonstd Specifies the behavior of no-break spacesWebKit
negative WD Defines how to alter the representation when the counter value is negative
none CSS 2.1 A common value of CSS properties, usually indicating lack of specific styling
normal CSS 2.1 A common value of properties, indicating “standard” value
:not() REC Matches an element that does not match the operand selector
:nth-child() REC Matches an element that is the nth child
:nth-column() WD Matches a cell in an nth column
:nth-last-child() REC Matches an element that is the nth last child
:nth-last-column() WD Matches a cell in an nth last column
:nth-last-match() WD Matches the nth last of elements that match any of the selectors in the argument
:nth-last-of-type() REC Matches an element that is the nth last child of its type
:nth-match() WD Matches the nth of elements that match any of the selectors in the argument
:nth-of-type() REC Matches an element that is the nth child of its type
<number> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing a number (which may have a fractional part)
-o- nonstd Vendor prefix for OperaOpera also recognizes the -webkit- prefix now
object-fit CR Specifies how the contents of the (replaced) element is fitted to the box established by its used height and widthOpera, see http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/css3-object-fit-object-position/
object-position CR Specifies the alignment of the (replaced) element inside its boxOpera, see http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/css3-object-fit-object-position/
oeb-column-number nonstd Specifies the number of columns in which to render contentIn OPS (for EPUB)
oeb-page-foot nonstd Value of display property, indicating that the element should be rendered in a page footer area of a reading programIn OPS (for EPUB)
oeb-page-head nonstd Value of display property, indicating that the element should be rendered in a page header area of a reading programIn OPS (for EPUB)
:only-child REC Matches an element that is the only child of its parent
:only-of-type REC Matches an element that is the only element of its type among the children of its parent
opacity REC Specifies the opacity (non-transparency) of the element
:optional WD Matches a form field that has not been declared as required
order CR Specifies the order used to lay out flex items in their flex container
orient nonstd Specifies the orientation of the element as horizontal or vertical
orientation WD Selects portrait or landscape mode
orientation @? REC Tests the orientation of the device (portrait or landscape)
orphans CSS 2.1 Sets the minimum number of lines in a block that must be left at the bottom of a printed page
outline CSS 2.1 Shorthand for outline color, style, and width
outline-color CSS 2.1 Sets the color of the outline around the element
outline-offset CSS 2.1 Sets the distance between the outline and the edge or border
outline-radius nonstd A shortcut for setting curved corners for an outline
outline-radius-bottomleft nonstd Sets the rounding of the bottom-left corner of the outline
outline-radius-bottomright nonstd Sets the rounding of the bottom-right corner of the outline
outline-radius-topleft nonstd Sets the rounding of the top-left corner of the outline
outline-radius-topright nonstd Sets the rounding of the top-right corner of the outline
outline-style CSS 2.1 Sets the line style of the outline around the element
outline-width CSS 2.1 Sets the line width of the outline around the element
:out-of-range WD Matches an element that does not satisfy range constraints imposed on it
::outside WD Matches a pseudo-element immediately outside the given elementOutdated WD (2003)
overflow CSS 2.1 Specifies what happens on content overflow
overflow-scrolling nonstd webkit
overflow-style CR Specifies the preferred scrolling method (horizontal or vertical marquee) for elements that overflowDefined partly differently in a WD being rewritten: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-box/#overflow-style ; see also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms530782.aspx
overflow-wrap WD Specifies whether line breaks are allowed anywhere in order to prevent overflow caused by an otherwise unbreakable string
overflow-x WD Specifies what happens horizontally on content overflow
overflow-y WD Specifies what happens vertically on content overflow
padding CSS 2.1 Shorthand for padding properties
padding-after nonstd
padding-before nonstd
padding-bottom CSS 2.1 Specifies amount of padding below the content
padding-end nonstd Adds horizontal padding at the end i.e. right or left padding, depending on declared writing directionWebKit, Firefox
padding-left CSS 2.1 Specifies amount of padding to the left of the content
padding-right CSS 2.1 Specifies amount of padding to the right of the content
padding-start nonstd Adds horizontal padding at the start, i.e. left or right padding, depending on declared writing directionWebKit, Firefox
padding-top CSS 2.1 Specifies amount of padding above the content
page WD Refers to a @page rule by identifier
::page nonstd Matches an individual page in paged rendering
::page() WD Matches the part of an element that ends up on a certain page of the element
@page CSS 2.1 Defines a rule for printed pages
::pagebreak nonstd Firefox
page-break-after CSS 2.1 Sets conditions for page breaks after the element
page-break-before CSS 2.1 Sets conditions for page breaks before the element
page-break-inside CSS 2.1 Sets conditions for page breaks inside the element
::page-column() WD Matches the part of an element that ends up on a certain column of a certain page of the element
::pagecontent nonstd Firefox
page-policy WD Determines which page-based occurance of a given element is applied to a counter or string valueOutdated WD (2003)
::page-sequence nonstd Represents the background of the print preview
panose-1 nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
:past WD Matches an element that is defined to be rendered entirely prior to the :current element
pause CR Shorthand for pause-after and pause-beforehttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-pause
pause-after CR Specifies the duration of pause after the elementhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-pause-after
pause-before CR Specifies the duration of pause before the elementhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#pause-props
pc CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to a pica, 12 pointsActual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
pending() WD As display property value, causes all elements and pseudo-elements whose 'move-to' property computes to the specified identifier to be inserted as children of the current element (or pseudo-element)Outdated WD (2003)
<percentage> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing a percentage
perspective WD Specifies the distance between the z = 0 plane and the user
perspective() WD A transform function that specifies a perspective projection matrix
perspective-origin WD Specifies the position that the viewer is looking at
perspective-origin-x nonstd Specifies the x coordinate of the position that the viewer is looking at
perspective-origin-y nonstd Specifies the y coordinate of the position that the viewer is looking at
phonemes nonstd With -xv- prefix.
pitch withdr. Specifies the average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice
pitch-range withdr. Specifies the variation in pitch of voice
:placeholder nonstd Matches a form field in the state of displaying placeholder textFirefox, with -moz- prefix; Firefox 19 will switch to using a pseudo-element
play-during withdr. Specifies a sound to be played as a background while the element’s content is spoken
pointer-events SVG 1.1 Specifies the circumstances under which the element can become the target of mouse eventsThe use of pointer-events in CSS for non-SVG elements is experimental. The feature used to be part of the CSS3 UI draft specification but, due to many open issues, has been postponed to CSS4.
position CSS 2.1 Specifies the positioning principle (static, relative...) for the element
<position> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing a point in a 2D space
prefix WD Specifies a string that is prepended to the marker representation
presentation-level WD Sets the element’s presentation level (EPL)WD from 2003, flagged as inactive
-prince- nonstd Vendor prefix for YesLogic
print-color-adjust nonstd Chrome
progress-appearance nonstd Specifies whether progress control appears as bar or ringIE, declared obsolete in favor of animation-name
pt CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to a typographic point, 1/72 of an inchActual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
punctuation-trim nonstd Specifies conditions for trimming spaces adjacent to fullwidth punctuation marksGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
punctuation-wrap nonstd Specifies conditions for allowing punctuation marks are allowed in margin areaGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
px CSS 2.1 Unit nominally corresponding to a pixelActual size depends on the reference unit, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-values/#absolute-lengths
quotes CSS 2.1 Specifies quotation marks to appear around the element
rad CR Unit of angle, radian (1/2? of a circle)
radial-gradient CSS 2.1 Creates an image that represents a radial gradient of colors
range WD Defines the ranges over which the counter style is defined
<ratio> REC Metanotation for data type representing a proportion of two unitless values
:read-only WD Matches an element that is not editable by the user
:read-write WD Matches an element that is editable by the user
rect() CSS 2.1 Defines a rectangular region
@region WD Contains style declarations specific to particular regions
region-break-after nonstd Chrome
region-break-before nonstd Chrome
region-break-inside nonstd Chrome
region-overflow WD Controls the behavior of the last region associated with a named flow
rem CR Unit, root em, the font size of the root element
rendering-intent withdr. Specifies the color profile rendering intent, as per the ICC Profile Format SpecificationDropped from CSS3 Colors in the REC, see http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#dropped
::repeat-index WD The current item of a repeating sequence, as a pseudo-element
repeating-linear-gradient() CR Creates an image that represents a repeating linear gradient of colors
repeating-radial-gradient() CR Creates an image that represents a repeating radial gradient of colors
::repeat-item WD A single item of a repeating sequence, as a pseudo-element
replace obsol. Indicates the element as replaced, with replacement specified as generated contentOpera; now discontinued: http://www.opera.com/docs/specs/opera9/#xml-css-link
:required WD Matches a form field that has been designated as required
resize WD Sets the resizability of the element
resolution WD Relates the CSS pixel to the reference pixel or the physical length units
resolution @? REC Tests the pixel density for being equal to a value
<resolution> REC Metanotation for data type representing the density of pixels on a device
rest CR Shorthand for rest-before and rest-after
rest-after CR Specifies a pause after the element but before any cue-after content
rest-before CR Specifies a pause before the element but after any cue-after content
::reveal nonstd Matches the password reveal button of an input type=password controlIE
rgb() CSS 2.1 Denotes a color by its red, green, and blue component
rgba() CSS 2.1 Denotes a color in the red–green–blue–alpha model
richness withdr. Specifies the richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice
right CSS 2.1 Sets right displacement for a positioned element
:right CSS 2.1 Matches a right-side page in print media (@page environment)
-rim- nonstd Vendor prefix for Research In Motion
-ro- nonstd Vendor prefix for Real Objects
:root REC Matches the root element (in HTML, the element)
rotate() WD Defines a transformation that moves the element around a fixed pointhttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/
rotateX() WD Defines a transformation that moves the element around x-axis
rotateY() WD Defines a transformation that moves the element around y-axis
rotate3D() WD
rotateZ() WD Defines a transformation that moves the element around z-axis
rotate3d() WD Defines a 3D transformation that moves the element around a fixed axis of rotation
rotation WD Rotates a block-level element counterclockwise around the point given by ‘rotation-point’WD flagged as being rewritten
rotation-point WD Defines, for rotation, a point as an offset from the top left border edge. WD flagged as being rewritten
row-span nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
rounddown() ed. Yields the largest multiple of the specified unit that is equal to or less than the given value
roundup() ed. Yields the smallest multiple of the specified unit that is equal to or greater than the given value
rtl-ordering nonstd Overrides ordering defaults for right-to-left content as “logical” or “visual”webkit
ruby-align WD Aligns ruby text and ruby base content relative to each otherGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa155477
ruby-overhang WD Specifies whether, and on which side, ruby text is allowed to partially overhang adjacent text in addition to its own base, when the ruby text is wider than the ruby baseGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa155477
ruby-position WD Sets the position of ruby text with respect to its baseGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa155477
ruby-span WD Controls the spanning behavior of ruby annotation elements
running() WD As the value of the position property, makes the element a running element that is not displayed in its natural place but may be displayed in a margin box
scale() WD Scales the element horizontally, vertically, or bothhttp://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transforms/
scaleX() WD Scales the element in the x direction
scaleY() WD Scales the element in the y direction
scaleZ() WD Scales the element in the z direction
scale3d(X) WD Scales the element in the x and/or y and/or z direction
scan @? REC Tests the scanning process of tv output devices (progressive or interlace)
::selection withdr. Matches the part of the document that has been selected by the userWidely supported
separator-image nonstd Generated by FrontPage
set-link-source obsol. Sets the value of a variable that can be used to create a link with link-sourceOpera; now the name used is “link”
<shape> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing the specific form of a region; currently only rect() is possible
shape-inside nonstd Chrome
shape-margin nonstd Chrome
shape-outside nonstd Chrome
shape-padding nonstd Chrome
:scope WD Matches an element that is in the contextual reference element set
script-level nonstd Only for browser stylesheets, Firefox
script-min-size nonstd Only for browser stylesheets, Firefox
script-size-multiplier nonstd Only for browser stylesheets, Firefox
scrollbar-3dlight-color property nonstd Sets the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll barIE
scrollbar-arrow-color nonstd Sets the color of a scroll arrowIE
scrollbar-base-color nonstd Sets the color of the main elements of a scroll bar, which include the scroll box, track, and scroll arrowsIE
scrollbar-darkshadow-color nonstd Sets the color of the gutter of a scroll barIE
scrollbar-end-backward @? nonstd Tests whether the device’s user interface displays a backward arrow button at the end of scrollbars
scrollbar-end-forward @? nonstd Tests whether the device’s user interface displays a forward arrow button at the end of scrollbars
scrollbar-face-color nonstd Sets the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll barIE
scrollbar-highlight-color nonstd Sets the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll barIE
scrollbar-shadow-color nonstd Sets the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll barIE
scrollbar-start-backward @? nonstd Tests whether the device’s user interface displays a backward arrow button at the beginning of scrollbars
scrollbar-start-forward @? nonstd Tests whether the device’s user interface displays a forward arrow button at the beginning of scrollbars
scrollbar-thumb-proportional @? nonstd Tests whether the device’s user interface displays the thumb of scrollbars proportionally (that is, sized based on the percentage of the document that is visible)
scrollbar-track-color nonstd Sets the color of the track element of a scroll barIE
scroll-chaining nonstd Specifies the scrolling behavior that occurs when a user hits the scroll limit during a manipulationIE
scroll-limit nonstd Shorthand for scroll-limit-x-min, scroll-limit-y-min, scroll-limit-x-max, and scroll-limit-y-maxIE
scroll-limit-x-max nonstd Specifies the maximum value for the scrollLeft propertyIE
scroll-limit-x-min nonstd Specifies the minimum value for the scrollLeft property.IE
scroll-limit-y-max nonstd Specifies the maximum value for the scrollTop propertyIE
scroll-limit-y-min nonstd Specifies the minimum value for the scrollTop propertyIE
scroll-rails nonstd Specifies whether scrolling locks to the primary axis of motionIE
scroll-snap-points-x nonstd Defines where snap-points will be located along the x-axisIE
scroll-snap-points-y nonstd Defines where snap-points will be located along the y-axisIE
scroll-snap-type nonstd Specifies what type of snap-point should be used for the current elementIE
scroll-snap-x nonstd Shortcut for scroll-snap-type and scroll-snap-points-x propertiesIE
scroll-snap-y nonstd Shortcut for scroll-snap-type and scroll-snap-points-y propertiesIE
scroll-translation nonstd Specifies whether vertical-to-horizontal scroll wheel translation occurs on the specified elementIE
::scrolled-canvas nonstd Firefox
::scrolled-content nonstd Firefox
::scrolled-page-sequence nonstd Represents the background of the print previewObscure; cf. ::page-sequence
::selection withdr. Matches the portion of the document that has been highlighted (e.g., selected with the mouse or another pointing device) by the userSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh996968.aspx
shape-image-threshold WD Defines the alpha channel threshold used to extract the shape using an image
shape-inside WD Modifies the shape of the inner inline flow content from rectangular content box to an arbitrary geometry
shape-margin nonstd
shape-outside WD Changes the geometry of an exclusion element’s exclusion area or or a float element’s float area
shape-padding nonstd
shape-rendering nonstd Chrome, without prefix
size WD Specifies the size and orientation of the containing box for page content
skew() WD Skews the element in the x and/or y direction
skewX() WD Skews the element in the x direction
skewY() WD Skews the element in the y direction
skewZ() WD Skews the element in the z direction
skew3D(X) WD Skews the element in the x and/or y and/or z direction
::slot() WD Matches
speak CR Specifies whethet content is spoken and whether it is to be spelled outhttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#speaking-props
speak-as CR Specifies in what manner text is spoken in speech synthesis, based upon a predefined list of possibilities
speak-header withdr. Specifies how table headers are spoken
speak-numeral withdr. Specifies how numerals are spoken
speak-punctuation withdr. Specifies how punctuation is spoken
speech-rate withdr. Specifies the speaking rate
src WD Specifies the resource containing font data
stack-sizing nonstd Sets the resizing principle of XUL stack
steps() WD Defines a step function dividing the domain of output values in equidistant steps
stop-color nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stop-opacity nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stress withdr. Specifies the height of “local peaks” in the intonation contour of a voice
@string WD Specifies a block of string definitions (?)Outdated WD (2003), “syntax still to come”
string() WD Yields the value of a named string
<string> CSS 2.1 Metanotation for data type representing a string of characters delimited by quotes
string-set WD Defines a named stringAlso sketchily in outdated WD http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-content/#strings
stroke nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-dasharray nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-dashoffset nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-linecap nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-linejoin nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-miterlimit nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-opacity nonstd Chrome, without prefix
stroke-width nonstd Chrome, without prefix
:submit-invalid nonstd Matches a submit button in a form whose contents aren’t valid based on their validation constraints
suffix WD Specifies a string that is appended to the marker representation
@supports WD Specifies rules to be applied conditionally, depending on support to given constructs in the browser
:suppressed nonstd Matches elements representing images that were not loaded because loading images from that site has been blocked
::svg-foreign-content nonstd Firefox
svg-shadow nonstd Chrome
symbols WD Specifies the symbols used by the marker-construction algorithm specified by the ‘system’ descriptor
symbols() WD Specifies a counter style as a property value
system WD Specifies which algorithm will be used to construct the counter’s representation
:system-metric() nonstd Matches an element if the computer's user interface supports the feature specified as argumentMainly for theme developers
::table nonstd Firefox
table-baseline nonstd (Relates to MathML tables)Opera
table-border-color-dark nonstd Generated by FrontPage
table-border-color-light nonstd Generated by FrontPage
::table-cell nonstd Firefox
::table-column nonstd Firefox
::table-column-group nonstd Firefox
::table-cell nonstd Firefox
table-layout CSS 2.1 Specifies whether table layout is automatic or fixed
::table-outer nonstd Firefox
::table-row nonstd Firefox
::table-row-group nonstd Firefox
tab-size WD Specifies the distance of tab stops
tab-stops nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
tap-highlight-color nonstd Overrides the highlight color shown when the user taps a link or a JavaScript clickable element in Safari on iPhonewebkit
target withdr. Shorthand for setting the individual target properties
:target REC Matches an element that is the target of the URL of the document
target-counter() WD Yields the value of a counter at the target end of the link
target-counters() WD Yields a value composed of values of counters at the end of the link
target-name withdr. Defines the name of the target destination of a link
target-new withdr. Determines whether a new window or tab is created as a target destination
target-position withdr. Indicates whether a new target destination (if created) is placed above, behind, front, or back the current window or tab
target-pull() WD Yields the value of an attribute of the target of the link that the current element createsNot really defined in the WD
target-text() WD Yields the textual content from the target end of the link
-tc- nonstd Vendor prefix for Tall Components
text-anchor nonstd Chrome, without prefix
text-align CSS 2.1 Specifies the alignment of text lines inside the element
text-align-last WD Specifies the alignment of the last text line in the element
text-autospace withdr. Sets the autospacing and narrow space width adjustment of textGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software; see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms531164.aspx
text-blink nonstd Specifies whether the text blinks or not
text-combine nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software. With -epub- prefix in ePub software. Also in Chrome.
text-combine-horizontal WD Allows the combination of multiple characters into the space of a single character
text-decoration CSS 2.1 Specifies underline, overline, line through, or blinking for textCSS Text Decoration Level 3 defines this property as a shorthand for the three new text-decoration-color, text-decoration-line, and text-decoration-style
text-decoration-color WD Sets the color of underline, overline, or line through
text-decoration-line WD Specifies whether underline, overline, line through, or blinking is applied to the text
text-decorations-in-effect nonstd Webkit; characterized as “unsupported”
text-decoration-skip ed. Specifies what parts of the element’s content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over
text-decoration-style WD Sets the style of lines used for underline, overline, or line through
text-effect nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-emphasis WD Shorthand for text-emphasis propertiesImplemented in ePub with prefix. See also http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css4-text/#text-emphasis
text-emphasis-color WD Specifies the color of emphasis marksImplemented in ePub with prefix. See also http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css4-text/#text-emphasis-color
text-emphasis-position WD Specifies where emphasis marks are drawn athttp://dev.w3.org/csswg/css4-text/#text-emphasis-position
text-emphasis-skip ed. Specifies which characters are skipped when drawing emphasis marks
text-emphasis-style ed. Applies emphasis marks to the element's textePub
text-fill-color nonstd Specifies a fill color for textWebKit. It has the same effect as the color property, but it allows graceful degradation in some cases.
text-fit nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-height WD Determines the block-progression dimension of the text content area of an inline boxNo implementations; WD (2002) effectively abandonded
text-indent CSS 2.1 Indents the first line of the element
text-justify WD Sets the method of justification of text linesSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms531172.aspx . Also proposed in http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css4-text/#text-justify
text-justify-trim nonstd Specifies conditions for trimming spaces in justificationGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-kashida nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-kashida-space nonstd Sets the ratio of kashida expansion to white space expansion when justifying lines of text in the objectIE; deprecated
text-line-through nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-orientation WD Specifies the orientation of characters within a lineePub
text-outline withdr. Sets a text outline of specific thickness, color, and blur radiusWas removed in 1 September 2011 version. Cf. to text-stroke
text-overflow WD Specifies how truncation of text (due to overflow) is indicated
text-rendering SVG 1.1 Sets criteria on selecting text rendering methodsWorks for HTML elements too, in WebKit browsers
text-security nonstd Specifies the shape to use in place of letters in a password input fieldwebkit
text-shadow WD Adds shadows to text
text-size-adjust ed. Specifies how text size is adjusted in a small devicewebkit, in Safari on iPhone; see http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-text-size-adjust
text-space-collapse ed. Specifies whether and how white space inside the element is collapsed
text-spacing ed. Controls spacing between adjacent characters on the same line, within the same inline formatting context, using a set of character-class-based rules
text-stroke nonstd Specifies the width and color of the outline (stroke) of textWebKit
text-stroke-color nonstd Specifies the color of the outline (stroke) of textWebKit
text-stroke-width nonstd Specifies the width of the outline (stroke) of textWebKit
text-transform CSS 2.1 Converts characters to lowercase, to uppercase, to fullwidth, or to fullsize kana
text-trim withdr. Specifies whether a fullwidth punctuation character should be trimmed (kerned)
text-underline nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-underline-color nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-underline-position WD Sets the position of an underline specified on the same element, as alphabetic, under, left, or rightGenerated and recognized by Microsoft Office software, in a very limited manner; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/Aa155477 ; see also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/ms531176.aspx
text-underline-style nonstd Generated and recognized by Microsoft Office software
text-wrap ed. Specifies the mode for text wrapping (normal, none, avoid)
::thumb nonstd Matches the portion of an input type=range control (slider control) that the user dragsIE
::ticks-after nonstd Matches the tick marks after the slider track of an input type=range control (slider control) IE
::ticks-before nonstd Matches the tick marks before the slider track of an input type=range control (slider control) IE
<timing-function> WD Denotes a mathematical function that describes how fast one-dimensional values change during transitions or animations
toggle() CR An expression that cycles over a list of values for nested elements
::tooltip nonstd Matches the tooltip of a slider (input type=range)IE
top CSS 2.1 Sets top displacement for a positioned element
top-bar-button nonstd Generated by FrontPage
touch-action nonstd Specifies how the element can be affected by touch gesturesIE
touch-callout nonstd Specifies whether the default callout is shown when you touch and hold a touch targetOnly in mobile builds of WebKit
touch-enabled @? nonstd Tests whether device supports touch events (for a touch screen)
::track nonstd Matches the track of an input type=range control (slider control)IE
transform WD Modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model
transform-origin WD Sets the origin for transformations of the element
transform-origin-x nonstd Sets the x coordinate of the origin for transformations of the elementwebkit
transform-origin-y nonstd Sets the y coordinate of the origin for transformations of the elementwebkit
transform-origin-z nonstd Sets the z coordinate of the origin for transformations of the elementwebkit
transform-style WD Specifies whether the children of the element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element
transition WD Shorthand for transition properties
transition-delay WD Specifies the delay before starting a transition
transition-duration WD Specifies the duration of a cycle in transition
transition-property WD Specifies the properties that are affected by a transition
transition-repeat-count nonstd Webkit; characterized as “unsupported”
transition-timing-function WD Specifies the timing function of a transition
translate() WD Moves the element in x and/or y direction
translateX() WD Moves the element in x direction
translateY() WD Moves the element in y direction
translateZ() WD Moves the element in z direction
translate3d() WD Moves the element in x, y, or z direction
:tree-checkbox nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-cell nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-cell-text nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-cell-text(hover) nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-column nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-drop-feedback nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-image nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-indentation nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-line nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-progressmeter nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-row nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-row(hover) nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-separator nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
:tree-twisty nonstd Firefox; relates to XUL
turn CR Unit of angle, a turn, i.e. full circle (360 degrees)
:ui-invalid nonstd Matches a validated form element whose value isn’t valid based on validation constraint
:ui-valid nonstd Matches a validated form element whose value is valid based on validation constraint
unicode-bidi CSS 2.1 Specifies how to content is to be handled with respect to Unicode bidirectional algorithm
unicode-range WD Specifies the collection of characters for which the font is to be used
<uri> CSS 2.1 Data type corresponding to a URI (URL or URN)
url() CSS 2.1 A URI (URL or URN)
use-link-source obsol. Turns the element to a link (“source anchor”)Opera; now the name “link-source” is used for the property
user-drag nonstd Specifies whether the entire element should be draggable instead of its contentswebkit
:user-error WD Matches an input element with incorrect input, after the user has significantly interacted with it
user-focus nonstd Indicates whether the element can have the focus via user actionWas proposed in https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/-moz-user-focus
<user-ident> CSS 2.1 Denotes an arbitrary user-defined string used as an identifier
user-input nonstd Specifies whether the element will accept user input
user-modify nonstd Determines whether a user can edit the content of the element and whether rich text formatting of pasted text is retainedwebkit; also Firefox: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/-moz-user-modify
user-select withdr. Specifies whether the content is selectable by the userWas proposed in http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-css3-userint-20000216#user-select
user-zoom WD Specifies whether the user can change the zoom factor
:valid WD Matches a form field or form that satisfies validity constraints
::value WD The current value of a form field as a pseudo-elementIn IE, the content of a text or password input control, or a select control: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465820.aspx
var() WD Yields the value of a variable
var-* WD Defines a variable (e.g., var-foo defines foo)
vector-effect nonstd Chrome, without prefix
vertical-align CSS 2.1 Sets the vertical alignment of the content
version nonstd Generated by FrontPage
vh CR Unit equal to 1% of the height of the initial containing block
@viewport nonstd Specifies properties that describe the viewportIE
:viewport nonstd Firefox
@viewport WD Overrides the viewport size provided by the browser
:viewport-scroll nonstd Firefox
visibility CSS 2.1 Sets the visibility to visible, hidden, or collapse
:visited CSS 2.1 Matches a link that has been visited recently
vmax CR Unit equal to the larger of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’
vmin CR Unit equal to the smaller of ‘vw’ or ‘vh’
voice-balance CR Controls the left/right balance of audio in speech synthesisWith -xv- prefix.
voice-duration CR Specifies how long it should take to render the content in synthetic speechWith -xv- prefix.
voice-family CR Specifies the characteristics of voice, e.g. male vs. femalehttp://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/aural.html#propdef-voice-family
voice-pitch CR Specifies the pitch (frequency of sound) of synthetic speechWith -xv- prefix.
voice-pitch-range nonstd Probably the same as voice-rangeWith -xv- prefix.
voice-range CR Specifies the variation in pitch of synthetic speech
voice-rate CR Specifies the rate (speed) of synthetic speechWith -xv- prefix.
voice-stress CR Specifies the strength of emphasis in synthetic speechWith -xv- prefix.
voice-volume CR Sets the voice volume in speech synthesis and audio cuesWith -xv- prefix.
volume withdr. Specifies the volume of voice
vw CR Unit equal to 1% of the width of the initial containing block
-wap- nonstd Vendor prefix for WAP Forum
-webkit- nonstd Vendor prefix for Chrome, Safari, and other browsers using the WebKit engineOpera also recognizes the -webkit- prefix now
white-space CSS 2.1 Specifies how whitespace is handled and whether line breaks are allowed
widows CSS 2.1 Sets the minimum number of lines in a block that must be left at the top of a printed page
width CSS 2.1 Sets the width of the content area of an element
width @? REC Tests width of display area for equality to a value
:window-inactive nonstd Matches any element while it’s in an inactive window.
windows-classic @? nonstd Tests whether the user is using Windows unthemed (in classic mode instead of using uxtheme)
windows-compositor @? nonstd Tests whether the user is using Windows with the DWM compositor
windows-default-theme @? nonstd Tests whether the user is using one of the default Windows themes (Luna, Royale, Zune, or Aero (including Vista Basic, Vista Advanced, and Aero Glass)
window-shadow nonstd Specifies whether a window will have a shadow
windows-theme @? nonstd Tests whether the user is using the Windows theme given as argument
word-break WD Specifies whether line breaks are allowed between any characters
word-spacing CSS 2.1 Specifies additional spacing between “words” (strings separated by whitespace)
word-wrap WD Alternate name for overflow-wrap
wrap WD Shorthand for setting the exclusions properties
wrap-flow WD Makes the element an exclusion when the value is other than autoSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772045.aspx
wrap-margin WD Offsets the inline flow content wrapping on the outside of exclusionsSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh772042.aspx
wrap-padding WD Offsets the inline flow content wrapping on the inside of elements
wrap-through WD Specifies whether the element inherits its parent node’s wrapping contextSee also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ie/hh771900.aspx
writing-mode WD Specifies whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress
::xul-anonymous-block nonstd Firefox
-xv- nonstd Vendor prefix for Opera Software (voice)
z-index CSS 2.1 Specifies the placement on the z axis, for use when elements overlap
zoom WD Specifies a zoom factor for the contenthttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms531189%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

This document summarizes different CSS keywords:

The character * is used as a wildcard, so e.g. mso-* refers generically to property names that start with mso-.

For uniformity and searchability, the names primarily appear without vendor prefixes such as -moz- or -moz-. This applies even to browser-specific constructs that are only recognized when a prefix is used. E.g., -ms-accelerator is listed as accelerator.

The information has been collected from various sources, and it is not authoritative or complete. Some sources have intentionally been ignored here, such as old CSS drafts with no known implementations.

The Status column describes the status from the perspective of W3C documents:

CSS 2.1The construct exists in CSS 2.1 (but may have existed in earlier versions too, and may have been extended in later versions).
ed.Editors draft (only); might be just at an idea level, or an attempt at standardizing some practice
WDWorkig Draft
LCLast Call (still a draft, but relatively mature)
CRCandidate Recommendation (content will probably not change much)
RECRecommendation, W3C standard, in the CSS3 group of specifications
SVGRecommendation on SVG; currently not in CSS specifications
withdr.The construct has existed in W3C drafts but has been withdrawn from them. It need not indicate rejection; some constructs have been deferred to Level 4. This category also includes constructs defined in CSS 2.0 but dropped in CSS 2.1.
aband.The construct is defined in a W3C draft flagged as abandoned, and no implementations are known.
WHATWGThe construct is defined in a WHATWG “living standard“
propos.The construct has been proposed for standardization.
nonstdThe construct is not described in W3C documents, but it is recognized by some browsers. Often a vendor prefix is needed.
obsol. obsolete: nonstandard, once supported in some browser(s) but not in modern versions