This is a "popup demo" related to the
section about opening windows
in the document
JavaScript and HTML:
possibilities and caveats.
The link below should work in all browsing situations.
In some situations, it will open a new window. And
if JavaScript is enabled, that window will be 150 by 150 pixels
(but resizable).
The link
(which will here just give some authorship information).
Things to consider:
- Many users hate popup windows; they prefer
selecting themselves when to open a new window.
- Unexperienced users will have difficulties in understanding
what happens and in killing the windows.
- Setting any size in pixels is against good Web authoring
principles and will in practice interfere with the fact
that you cannot control text size and other
- See what happens if you follow links in the popup window.
On most browsers, there are no scrollbars (since you did not
) but at least the
popup window is resizable since you included
- There are no normal browser tools (back button etc.) in the
window, on most browsers. This will probably cause confusion
or at least inconvenience. If you start "fixing" that by
including "back buttons" onto your pages, you're creating
a partial solution to a problem that did not exist before you
created it. Adding
would be a better fix
(and the best fix is usually not to create popup windows at all).
- Thus, it is important to consider carefully the
window attributes settings.