Style sheets testing page

Jukka Korpela,

This is just a page for testing style sheets. The page contains all kinds of HTML elements, just to allow you to see how they are presented.

Basic text elements

It is important to have emphasized phrases presented properly and very important to have them legible at the minimum. A tough question: what happens when you have nested text markup so that both elements will likely be presented in italics, like a book title like Kalevala within emphasized text.

A defining occurrence of a term should be easy to detect.

HTML is poor in mathematics, even in simple math like x1+…+xn.

Text elements in describing man-machine interaction

The following Perl script prints out its input so that each line begins with a running line number:

$line = 1;
while (<>) {
  print $line++, " ", $_; }

The scalar variable $line is of course the line counter.

The loop construct is of the form
while (<>) {
process one line of input }

Assuming that you have written this script (the simpler version of it) into a file named lines, you could test it using a command of the form
./lines datafile
In particular, using the script as input to itself, you would do as follows (the details of system output vary from one system to another):

lk-hp-23 perl 251 % ./lines lines
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 $line = 1;
3 while (<>) {
4   print $line++, " ", $_; }
lk-hp-23 perl 252 % 

A simple table

The following table is from Learning HTML 3.2 by Examples.

attribute name possible values meaning notes
NAME string a name for a link end must be unique within the document; case sensitive
HREF URL network address for the linked resource could be another HTML document, a PDF file, an image etc
REL string the forward relationship also known as the "link type"; see notes on REL and REV values in the general description of links in principle, could be used by browsers and other softwarein several ways, eg to determine to how to deal with the linked resource when printing out a collection of linked resources
REV string the reverse relationship: a link from document A to document B with REV=relation expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REL=relation.
TITLE string a title for the linked resource advisory; see remarks below

A simple form

A form for doing an Advanced Search on AltaVista:

for documents (in ) containing

As the Romans said, Finis coronat opus.